The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
Bayern Munich beaten in German Cup Final!
by The Fall Guy in
What Should I Say?
by cookiemaster ini need a bit of advice.
i've been pimo for a long time and fading more and more.
i occasionally attend for family but never give any answers or actively participate in any way.
The Fall Guy
You have a PM
Bible Teach Book points the finger at JW's themselves!
by The Fall Guy inone of my all-time favourite illustrations:.
bible teach, chap.
16 p. 154 pars.
The Fall Guy
Thanks, ATLANTIS - LOL!!!
I just looked at that publication, and on page 5, Title Page/Publishers’ Page, it says this -
"NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible quotations and references are according to the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, the revised edition of 1971 C.E."
So in reality, the JW's present Bible should be called The Revised, Revised, New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.
Bible Teach Book points the finger at JW's themselves!
by The Fall Guy inone of my all-time favourite illustrations:.
bible teach, chap.
16 p. 154 pars.
The Fall Guy
Mr. Roboto, this is what you're thinking of -
bh p. 214 par. 3 Judgment Day—What Is It?
"Are these scrolls the record of people’s past deeds? No, the judgment will not focus on what people did before they died. How do we know that? The Bible says: “The one who has died has been acquitted from his sin.” (Romans 6:7) Those resurrected thus come to life with a clean slate, so to speak."
So, people like Jack the Ripper who evaded capture & justice (and probably died of old age) have no need of the "ransom sacrifice," because their own death cleansed all their sins! Excellent dogma WTBTS!
Bible Teach Book points the finger at JW's themselves!
by The Fall Guy inone of my all-time favourite illustrations:.
bible teach, chap.
16 p. 154 pars.
The Fall Guy
One of my all-time favourite illustrations:
Bible Teach, chap. 16 p. 154 pars. 1,2, & 12 Take Your Stand for True Worship
1 Suppose you found out that your whole neighborhood has been contaminated. Someone has secretly been dumping poisonous waste in the area, and now the situation is life threatening. What would you do? No doubt, you would move away if you could. But after doing that, you would still face this serious question, ‘Have I been poisoned?’
2 A similar situation arises with regard to false religion. The Bible teaches that such worship is contaminated with unclean teachings........
12 Suppose you saw a piece of candy lying in the gutter. Would you pick up that candy and eat it? Of course not! That candy is unclean......To take a stand for true worship, we need to have a viewpoint like that of the prophet Isaiah, who told true worshippers: “Touch nothing unclean!”—Isaiah 52:11.
I will gladly provide any lurkers with various pieces of literature based "unclean candy" via PM if they wish to see if they have been "poisoned".
Colwell’s Rule must die!
by Wonderment incolwell, a trinitarian methodist, was apparently affected by various translators of his time and before, that were translating john 1:1 differently from the norm: "the word was god.
" you had moffatt’s version saying "the word was divine" (1922); a french bible, "a divine being" (1928); belsham, "a god" (1808); benjamin wilson: "a god" (1864); robert young: "a god" in his commentary of 1985. colwell likely knew that various french and german bibles were being published challenging the traditional rendering "god" of john 1:1 as well.. so he set out to prove them wrong.
he began by formulating a "rule" regarding predicate nouns and the greek article, whether they occurred after or before the verb.
The Fall Guy
I agree with Cofty's sentiments. Good to see thoughtful and intellectual posts on such topics.
As for the Trinity doctrine itself, I wholeheartedly concur with these Catholic Church's sentiments on it -
"...the plurality of Persons in the Godhead is a truth entirely beyond the scope of any created intellect."
"The true profession of the mystery of the Trinity is to own that we do not comprehend it" (De mysterio Trinitatus recta confessio est ignoratio scientiae - "Proem ad 1. xviii in Isai.").
Scary Effectiveness of Assembly Videos
by Captain Schmideo2 inwell, i got to see the final day of this years regional convention.and i saw something that disturbs me.. the final, "summing up review" video.
it disturbs me because it was so well done.
(i wish i could remember the title of the song), to the strains of a solo vocalist singing in a fine "irish tenor", we see the actors from the previous videos of the last few days all assembling together in a clearing.
The Fall Guy
Isn't it wonderful to see the that it's the WTBTS/CCoJW's who's running scared!!!
The needle has returned to the start of their old worn out record - "The end is imminent, be prepared to be the only ones saved!"
The cult's hierarchy knows that the internet and the world's media networks now have the org in their cross-hairs - so it's time to close the sheep's eyes & ears to such information and replace it with the digitally-enhanced message of terror involving everlasting salvation/destruction. Russell & Rutherford had it easy; their modern-day counterparts are suffering. :)
I just bought a John Deere 6130R tractor!
by silentbuddha inyou may be thinking, "so, what... it's just a tractor" right.
yes, it is just a tractor.
however, for me it was the last step in me actually realizing my dream of becoming a farmer.
The Fall Guy
Extremely well done Silentbuddha. I wish you all the best as you actually live your dream.
Bunker video - 2018 remix
by Fay Dehr inif this happened, and they went into the bunker....only to be rescued by "satan's forces"....what would be going through their minds?
The Fall Guy
Helped to escape out of the bunker [the org] and see the light - beautiful!
All of Chile's 34 bishops RESIGN over a sex abuse and cover-up scandal after crisis meeting with the Pope
by AndersonsInfo in
all of chile's 34 bishops resign over a sex abuse and cover-up scandal after crisis meeting with the pope.
may 18, 2018. pope francis has accused chile's bishops of destroying evidence of sex crimes .
The Fall Guy
Isn't it wonderful to see "Christendom" teach "God's earthly organization" how to deal with skeletons in the cupboard when they're exposed!!!!!